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No Sweeping Under The Rug

Passover, an oral tradition over a ritualistic meal recounts the journey from bondage to freedom. The story includes a forty-year trek through the desert before entering into a new beginning with a promising future. Each spring is filled with new beginnings of all kinds. Mother Nature wants to shed her white fur and opt for floral prints. I love the mandatory cleaning of the home for Passover. It forces one to do a deep spring-cleaning, just when it’s needed most. A chance to clear out clutter, both material and mental, so we can rejuvenate our habitats, just as nature does hers.

Of course, as soon as one part of your life is shiny, clean and organized it exposes the disarray that exists in all the other areas of your world. One might feel the impulse to seize the opportunity to put everything in order. This can take a while, but the end the result illuminates the way for new beginnings. Just like a long walk, can clear the mind. Sorting and polishing can clear actual and mental debris. Although this can be a grossly time consuming and agitating experience. The rewards are worth the struggle.

I can see why camping out in the desert for forty years was necessary. It was the cycle of time required to cleanse the emotional grime of slavery before a new life could start.

Without putting my unmentionables out to dry, I will say that airing out emotions and letting go of the things that hold us back can propel us forward. Negative emotions can hold us back like paper piles on our desk can suck productivity into a black whole.

Actions work like magic. My two week, now going on thirty day plan to rebuild, rebrand and streamline everything in my life has been more intense than I anticipated, but more eye opening and rewarding than I could have ever imagined. Clearing a space to create opportunities is a powerful action. It’s amazing how the universe will conspire with you when you set the wheels in motion.

New business has arrived at my door. Deals have clicked effortlessly into place. Sparkling new projects are emerging. Capitalizing on my fifteen-year journey as a lifestyle expert seams to have crystallize right before my eyes.

Each project tackled sheds light on what a mess something adjacent to it was. The only way to start fresh was to roll up the sleeves and scrub, no sweeping anything under the rug, no skipping the corners. Integrity means whole. In order to start a new chapter, the furniture must be moved to clear the dust and discover the wealth of coins underneath. Building a new life means being open to looking at things in new ways and doing things differently to yield new results.

It might feel like hell at the time but it’s amazing what power and freedom can come from deep cleaning our environment and our minds simultaneously.

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